Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Why people are more likely to cheat or behave badly if it's easy to do

People are much more likely to lie or cheat if it takes less effort than doing the right thing, new research suggests.

Is a life of crime hereditary? New research suggests that criminal behaviour could be 'all in the genes'

Evolutionary psychologist Satoshi Kanazawa has stirred up controversy with his outspoken declarations.

Why suicide bombers are Muslim (lack of sex) and liberals are more intelligent: A controversial psychologist's VERY politically incorrect 'truths' about human nature

Science in the news

Universe shows 'imprints' of events that took place BEFORE the Big Bang, say scientists


Hans Rosling's 200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 Minutes - The Joy of Stats - BBC Four

Hans Rosling's famous lectures combine enormous quantities of public data with a sport's commentator's style to reveal the story of the world's past, present and future development. Now he explores stats in a way he has never done before - using augmented reality animation. In this spectacular section of 'The Joy of Stats' he tells the story of the world in 200 countries over 200 years using 120,000 numbers - in just four minutes. Plotting life expectancy against income for every country since 1810, Hans shows how the world we live in is radically different from the world most of us imagine.


Why people believe in religion?

Wisdom and Madness of Crowds

NOVA scienceNOW | Wisdom of the Crowds | PBS

Ask enough people to estimate something, and the average of all their guesses will get you surprisingly close to the right answer.

Dr. Craig Kaplan talks about collective intelligence in investing.


Americans Are Willing To Trample One Another To Get Their Hands On Cheap Foreign-Made Plastic Crap Even As The United States Turns Into A Post-Industrial Wasteland


Robot Blob Pillow Will Cure Loneliness

Since humans already spend days cocooned in in various electronics, it shouldn't be that much of a stretch for a mattress to be semi-sentient. Is it?

People already bury themselves in possessions and shield themselves from real life with technology. So if robots and objects can fulfill all their emotional needs as well, why do they need other humans?

The Funktionide is a blob-like pillow that its researchers hope with 'help stave off loneliness by being "alive."'

Funktionide Part II from eltopo on Vimeo.

Monday, November 29, 2010


Guess Who's Paying For The Greece Bailout? That's Right -- YOU

TSA Song

Come on, everybody! Sing along with The Transportation Security Administration while you're waiting in security lines this holiday season!

44 Ways to Say TSA: What do the initials "TSA" really stand for?

Con Air 2010 (TSA Remix)

Coming Soon to an Airport Near You: Prison-style strip searches?

We're the TSA and You Can Count on Us! (to overreact to tiny threats and ignore big ones)
We're the Transportation Security Administration. We're working hard to make sure you enjoy a safe flight. And while we cannot apprehend every terrorist, you can count on us to do what we're trained to do whenever there's a security breach--overreact to tiny threats.

Overreact to tiny threats; ignore the big ones. That's what we do, and we do it better than anyone.

The European experiment

'The Euro Game Is Up! Just who the hell do you think you are?' - Nigel Farage MEP

European Parliament, Strasbourg - 24 November 2010
Speaker: Nigel Farage MEP, UKIP, Co-President of the EFD group
Debate: European Council and Commission statements - Conclusions of the European Council meeting on economic governance (28-29 October)


Good morning, Mr van Rompuy,

You've been in office for one year and in that time the whole edifice is beginning to crumble, there's chaos, the money's running out - I should thank you; you should perhaps be the pin-up boy of the Eurosceptic movement.

But just look around this chamber, this morning. Just look at these faces. Look at the fear. Look at the anger. Poor old Barroso here looks like he's seen a ghost.

They're begining to understand that the game is up and yet in their desperation to preserve their dream, they want to remove any remaining traces of democracy from the system. And it's pretty clear that none of you have learnt anything.

When you yourself, Mr van Rompuy, say that the euro has brought us stability. I suppose I could applaud you for having a sense of humour, but isn't this, really, just the bunker mentality?

Your fanaticism is out in the open. You talked about the fact that it was a lie to believe that the nation state could exist in the 21st Century globalised world. Well, that may be true in the case of Belgium, who haven't had a government for six months, but for the rest of us, right across every member state in this Union - and perhaps this is why we see the fear in the faces - increasingly people are saying, 'We don't want that flag. We don't want the anthem. We don't want this political class. We want the whole thing consigned to the dustbin of history.'

And we had the Greek tragedy earlier on this year, and now we have this situation in Ireland. Now I know that the stupidity and greed of Irish politicians has a lot to do with this. They should never ever have joined the euro. They suffered with low interest rates, a false boom and a massive bust.

But look at your response to them. What they're being told, as their government is collapsing, is that it would be inappropriate for them to have a general election. In fact Commissioner Rehn here said they had to agree their budget first before they'd be allowed to have a general election.

Just who the hell do you think you people are?

You are very very dangerous people, indeed. Your obsession with creating this Euro state means that you're happy to destroy democracy. You appear to be happy for millions and millions of people to be unemployed and to be poor. Untold millions must suffer so that your Euro dream can continue.

Well it won't work. Because it's Portugal next, with their debt levels of 325% of GDP, they're the next ones on the list, and after that I suspect it will be Spain. And the bailout for Spain would be seven times the size of Ireland's and at that moment all of the bailout money has gone - there won't be anymore.

But it is even more serious than economics. Because if you rob people of their identity. If you rob them of their emocracy, then all they are left with is nationalism and violence. I can only hope and pray that the Euro project is destroyed by the markets before that really happens.

On ZeroHedge:

Financial Meltdown

Chilean Economist Manfred Max-Neef on Barefoot Economics, Poverty and Why The U.S. is Becoming an "Underdeveloping Nation"

Economists study and analyze poverty in their nice offices, have all the statistics, make all the models, and are convinced that they know everything that you can know about poverty. But they don’t understand poverty," Max-Neef says.


U.S. Facing Global Diplomatic Crisis Following Massive WikiLeaks
Release of Secret Diplomatic Cables

250,000 Secret U.S. Diplomatic Cables released by WikiLeaks

WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange Wants To Spill Your Corporate Secrets

In a rare interview, Assange tells Forbes that the release of Pentagon and State Department documents are just the beginning. His next target: big business.

"We Have Not Seen Anything Yet": Guardian Editor Says Most Startling WikiLeaks Cables Still To Be Released

Transcript at

Noam Chomsky: WikiLeaks Cables Reveal "Profound Hatred for Democracy on the Part of Our Political Leadership

Transcript at

WikiLeaks Cables Reveal U.S. Tried to Thwart Spanish Probes of Gitmo Torture and CIA Rendition

Transcript at

Leaked Cables Reveal U.S. Pressured Spain to Drop Case of Cameraman Killed in 2003 Attack on Journalists in Baghdad

Transcript at

On Tuesday, after investors realized that Assange probably has a mark on Bank of America as his next target, shares of the Charlotte, N.C.-based banking behemoth plunged as much as 3.5%, hitting a new 52-week low of $10.91.


Wikileaks: Pakistan privately approved drone strikes

US embassy cables culprit should be executed, says Mike Huckabee

Republican presidential hopeful wants the person responsible for the WikiLeaks cables to face capital punishment for treason


Julian Assange should be assassinated, Canadian official claims

An advisor to the Prime Minister of Canada has called for the "assassination" of the WikiLeaks founder

SHOCKING statement !!!

In a shockingly flippant comment to a Canadian television news anchor Evan Solomon of the CBC News Network on live TV, Tom Flanagan, a senior advisor and strategist to the Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper today called for the assassination of Wikileaks director Julian Assange . It is believed to be the first ever televised "fatwa" since the edict by the Iranian leadership of the late Ayatollah Khomeini against British writer Salman Rushdie in February 1989. Amazingly, although news anchor Solomon afforded Flanagan the opportunity to retract his statement, Flanagan balked at doing so and instead reiterated that U.S. President should put out a "contract" on Assange or use "a drone" and that he would not be unhappy if Assange "disappeared." Flanagan who is a trusted member of PM Harper's inner circle of Tory strategists joins Sarah Palin in calling for the death of the Wikileaks director as retribution for the website's release of confidential diplomatic and intelligence "chatter" this week.

Attack on WikiLeaks site escalates

Whoever wants to bury the leaks is doing a better job — apparently with an assist from Amazon.com.



WikiLeaks' Amazon Servers Go Offline (LIVE UPDATES)

Question: What do you think of the impact, timing and outcomes of WikiLeaks recent release?

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Class Warfare

"There's class warfare, all right, but its my class, the rich class that's making war and we're winning" --Warren Buffet

Monetary Reform

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz – A Monetary Reform Parable

Price Bubbles

The 10 Most Ridiculous Price Bubbles In History

For example, The Poseidon bubble

The price of Australian mining shares soared in late 1969, then crashed in early 1970.

I hear a lot pundits describing gold as a bubble.
Do you believe that we will have to go back to the gold standard?
But a gold standard never stopped any country from debasing its currency.
A gold standard will not prevent a government from trying to get something for nothing by debasing the currency.
And, it could not be easy, the Federal Reserve doesn't have enough gold to back all the dollars.

Sarah Palin

Barbara Bush commenting on Sarah Palin

Glenn Beck goes after Barbara Bush
Calling Her The “Oatmeal Box Lady”


Soda companies pushed pop as beneficial beverage for infants

And, find out what Coca-Cola, Big Tobacco and Big Pharma all have in common

The Museum of Bad-vertising

A collection of TRUE advertisements from corporations promoting sodas for infants, cigarettes for health, psych drugs for children and much more.

Is Health Care at the Mall a Good Idea?

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Nano Technology

Amazing Nano Technology Displayed In Russia

Education : Texting

Texting is top classroom distraction
Texting surpasses doodling & daydreaming as the No. 1 distraction in high school & college classrooms.

The anonymous survey of 269 Wilkes students found that nine in 10 admit to sending text messages during class — and nearly half say it's easy to do so undetected. Even more troubling, 10 percent say that they have sent or received texts during exams, and that 3 percent admit to using their phones to cheat.

The phenomenon is part of a broader revolution in the way young adults communicate. Most prefer texting to e-mail and certainly to talking on the phone.

Most view texting as their right.

Students said they should be allowed to have their phones in class. And a clear majority — 62 percent — said they should be allowed to text in class as long as they're not disturbing those around them. About one in four said texting creates a distraction.

What's the solution?

To have a no-texting policy during class?
Allow students to text before class.

Punishing students is not a good solution.

Friday, Nov. 26, 2010: National Day of Listening

National Day of Listening http://nationaldayoflistening.org/

I came across an article in the HuffPost

And, I remembered listening to Studs Terkel on Democracy Now

Studs Terkel : “My curiosity is what saw me through. What would the world be like, or will there be a world? And so, that’s my epitaph. I have it all set. Curiosity did not kill this cat. And it’s curiosity, I think, that has saved me thus far.”

Transcript at

StoryCorps Declares Friday a National Day of Listening

StoryCorps Declares Friday a National Day of Listening

In this animated short, he speaks out on what has been lost in modern life and where he sees hope for our future.

Education: Chronic Absenteeism

Study: Punishing Parents Won't Solve Chronic Absenteeism

The report says chronic absenteeism seldom means teens are abused or neglected at home but instead suggests they stay out for other reasons and schools need to find ways to re-engage them.

The World Bank & The International Monetary Fund

A clip from the documentary "The New Rulers of The World" by film maker John Pilger.

Personal Finance

6 Habits That Will Make You Broke
Where did all the money go? Follow these tips to avoid bad habits that can lead to overspending.


6 unusual ways to save money

Friday, November 26, 2010

Dating & Game theory

Need a date? Hire a wing woman
Instead of using a dating site, hire a wingwoman

Why wire a wingwoman

Changing the Dating Game

Women are much choosier than men when it comes to romance. Evolutionary psychologists think it is because back in prehistoric times “dating” was much riskier for women.

That is less true today, yet women remain much more selective. Is this difference a vestige of our early ancestry? Or might it be totally unrelated to reproductive risk, the result of something more modern and mundane?

Wall Street

The insider-trading dragnet that has rocked Wall Street this week appears likely to reinforce the feeling that the house always wins.

Insider-Trading Probe Reinforces Belief Market is Rigged

Cat People Vs. Dog People

"Dog people" are higher on extroversion, agreeableness and conscientiousness.
"Cat people" are higher on neuroticism and openness to experiences.

That may sound like a negative to cat people, but it's not necessarily the case.

Sam Gosling, Ph.D. Says: "openness for example, they tend to be higher on openness, and people you know often think about openness as being a positive dimension. So I mean, with every single one of these domains, there are positive and negative elements to it."

Researchers admit cat lovers often get stereotyped.

Dr. Sam Gosling said: "I think cat people are sometimes thought to be rightly or wrongly, they are thought to be a little nutty."

Researchers say findings of the study will be useful in pet assisted therapy when it comes to matching the right animals to the people for treatment.

Pet Health Pictures Slideshow :
The Truth About Cat People and Dog People

1 / 25
Can a Pet Predict Your Personality?
Are you a cat person or a dog person? The answer may say a lot about your personality. A survey developed at the University of Texas at Austin found that some stereotypes about cat and dog lovers may be true, and you may be a lot more like your furry friend than you ever realized. Browse our gallery to see where you stand - and how other Americans divide into cat people vs. dog people

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Personality Trait: Conscientious
The online questionnaire asked participants to identify themselves as "cat people" or "dog people" and included more than 40 questions designed to reveal an individual's true personality. Scoring showed dog people to be 11% more conscientious than cat people. What it means:

>> Self-disciplined
>> Strong sense of duty

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Personality Trait: Extraverted
Are you an extravert? If you're a dog person, it's likely that you are. People who identified themselves as dog people were, as a group, 15% more extraverted than cat people. What it means:

>> Outgoing
>> Enthusiastic
>> Positive
>> Energetic

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Personality Trait: Open
Are you open to trying new things? Cat people were 11% more likely to be open, according to the survey. Open people tend to be:

>> Curious
>> Creative
>> Artistic
>> Nontraditional thinkers

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Personality Trait: Agreeable
According to the survey, if you're a dog person, you're 13% more likely to be agreeable than a cat person. Agreeable people tend to be:

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Personality Trait: Neurotic
If you get stressed out easily, you may be a cat person. Cat people were, as a group, 12% more neurotic than dog people. Neurotic people are:
Easily stressed

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The Typical Dog Person
If dogs tend to be energetic, faithful, and easy to get along with, well, so do the people who love them. But survey author and psychologist Sam Gosling, PhD admits that the differences between cat and dog people aren't huge. "There are certainly many, many cat people who are extroverts and many, many dog people who aren't," Gosling says.

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The Typical Cat Person
Do you prefer to spend time on your own? Always game to try new things? Then you're probably a cat person. The survey found that self-proclaimed cat people were more likely to be curious, unconventional in thinking and behavior, and more prone to worrying than dog people.

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Dog People Outnumber Cat People
Of the 4,500 people surveyed by Gosling and his colleague, Carson J. Sandy, 46% identified themselves as dog people. Just 12% said they were cat people. Of the rest, 28% said they were both, and 15% said they were neither dog nor cat people.

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Doggie Upside: Loving and Loyal
Dogs have rightfully earned their reputation as man's best friend. Regardless of size or breed, your dog will provide a lifetime of love and loyalty. Dogs are social animals, and they thrive on human companionship. Certain breeds, such as Rottweilers, also make excellent protectors.

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Doggie Downside: Must Be Trained
Even the best dog can have some not-so-cute behaviors. Dogs are known to bark, jump up, dig, tug at the leash, or even growl and bite. To curb undesirable behaviors, it's necessary to teach your dog what's acceptable and what's not. Some dogs are easy to train, while others take more time and practice. Either way, it requires an investment of time and money to bring out the best in your dog.

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Kitty Upside: Independent
Cats are famously low-maintenance. They don't need to be bathed or taken for walks. They can be left on their own for hours at a time. Even though cats like to do their own thing, they still need plenty of love and attention. Make sure you devote some time each day to playing with your cat, grooming her, or just giving her some TLC.

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Kitty Downside: Can Be Standoffish
Some cats love to socialize, but others prefer to stay hidden, especially when people they don't know come around. In fact, your friends may not even realize you have a cat! Cats who weren't around people enough as kittens may be skittish. And even the friendliest cat will jump off your lap and sashay off when he's had enough of your attention.

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Doggie Upside: Boundless Energy
If you're looking for a playmate, it doesn't get much better than a dog. Although some breeds have higher energy levels than others, most are playful and love to be outdoors. A dog can be a great companion for joggers and hikers or people who simply like to take leisurely strolls in the park. If you're trying to get in shape, Fido is a fantastic exercise companion. Exercise is as important for dogs as it is for people.

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Doggie Downside: Hair Everywhere
All dogs shed, even the so-called "hypoallergenic" ones. And the longer and thicker the coat, the more dog hair you can expect to find on your clothes, rugs, and furniture. Dogs also get dirty and matted if not groomed frequently, so expect to be bathing and brushing your dog yourself or paying someone to do it for you.

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Kitty Upside: Cozy Companion
When it comes to cuddling, cats take the prize. And most cat owners will tell you that there's nothing more relaxing than the sound of a cat's purr. Cozying up to a warm, purring kitty is more than just a pleasant way to pass the time - studies have shown it can actually reduce stress and lower your blood pressure.

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Kitty Downside: The Litter Box
Nobody likes cleaning the litter box. But having one is essential if you have a cat. Your cat's litter box will need to be cleaned at least once a day and the litter replaced weekly if you want to avoid unpleasant odors. And if you have more than one cat, you may need multiple litter boxes to accommodate them.

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What Is Your Dog Saying?
If you know how to read a dog's body language, you can tell how he's feeling and what he's trying to say. Dogs may:

>> Widen their eyes if they feel threatened
>> "Grin" as a sign of submission
>> Pull ears back when they're feeling friendly
Make themselves look smaller when they're scared

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What Is Your Cat Saying?
You can learn a lot about your cat's state of mind simply by watching her behavior. Cats may:

>> Let the tail droop when sick or unhappy
>> Twitch their ears when agitated
>> Flutter their eyelids to show trust
>> Knead their paws to show contentment

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Other Pets to Consider: Rabbits
Rabbits can make great house pets. Besides being soft and adorable, they are quite social and affectionate and can be trained to use a litter box. However, they generally don't like to be picked up, which means they may not be ideal for young children. Rabbits also love to chew, and if they're allowed to roam freely in your house they may damage furniture or electrical cords.

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Other Pets to Consider: Reptiles
If you've ever considered getting a lizard, turtle, or snake, make sure you do your research first. Reptiles are not low-maintenance pets. Many can live 15 years or longer, and snakes and lizards can grow to be quite large. Reptiles also need special habitats, and this can be expensive. If you're considering a carnivore, keep in mind that you'll need to feed it live food (anything from worms and crickets to mice).

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Other Pets to Consider: Fish
An aquarium full of fish can be fun to watch and a great stress reliever. However, fish do require an investment of time, energy, and money. Obviously, two goldfish and a fishbowl will require a much smaller investment than a saltwater tank full of tropical fish! If you do your research and select the right equipment, your aquarium will provide years of enjoyment.

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Other Pets to Consider: Birds
If you want a pet you can talk to, a bird is the only way to go. It's now understood that parrots don't just mimic our speech - some can actually put together meaningful phrases and may have a vocabulary of 100 words or more. Even birds that can't talk are highly intelligent and entertaining - with a long lifespan that offers you companionship for 10 to 40 years, depending on the species.

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Should You Keep an Exotic Animal?
Exotic animals such as monkeys and sugar gliders have become popular as pets in recent years. Unfortunately, most people don't realize what they're getting into when they bring an exotic pet home. Animals may become malnourished or obese because they aren't being fed the proper diet. They may be destructive or dangerous. Bottom line - bringing an exotic animal into your home takes extraordinary research and commitment.

10 Reasons Why You Should Get a Dog Instead of a Facelift (PHOTOS)

According to the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, American women underwent over 9 million cosmetic procedures last year. Americans spent almost $10.5 billion on cosmetic intervention in 2009.

During that same time, some 2 million dogs were euthanized in this country. The Humane Society estimates that animal shelters care for between 6 and 8 million dogs and cats every year in the United States.
They Offer A Lifetime Of Love
The average facelift lasts approximately five to 10 years, depending upon technique and individual's skin type. The average lifespan of a dog, depending on breed and size, is 12.8 years. However, long after your loving dog passes away, the memories of extraordinary times together will live in your heart forever. Once your facelift begins to sag, your only memory will be the price tag to have it re-done!
They Are Cheaper
Dogs are cheaper than a facelift. The average facelift costs approximately $11,000, depending on the city and surgeon. You can rescue a dog from the shelter for free, and even the most expensive pedigree dog does not cost more than $1,500. Also, you will get a lot more bang for your buck with a dog because a dog will love and appreciate you forever.
They Make You Happier
It has been scientifically proven that owning a dog increases your lifespan! Numerous studies have shown that dog ownership lowers your blood pressure, encourages exercise, decreases stress and loneliness, lowers your cholesterol and thus enhances your health. Dogs can sniff out some forms of cancer and recognize early signs of seizures, enabling them to warn their human companion to lie down to prevent injury. To date, no studies have been able to document any of the same health benefits from a facelift.
They Often Have Better Breath
A puppy's breath is special and sweet; your plastic surgeon's breath is a crapshoot.
They Can Be Your Hang-Out Buddy
Your plastic surgeon will hang around for a little while after your facelift, but your dog will happily be your companion and friend offering unconditional love for life.
They Won't Cause Talking Behind Your Back
People won't mock and sneer at you behind your back if you get a dog. A facelift?
They Fetch
You can teach your dog to do tricks; a facelift, not so much.
They Cuddle
After a long day or a horrible emotional experience, you can cuddle up with your dog and feel a lot better; not so with a facelift.
They Aren't Nearly As Risky
Possible complications encountered after a facelift include permanent facial nerve injury, poor scarring, bleeding, skin loss or irregularities and infection. The worst complication encountered with a well-loved dog includes an accident on the living room floor or a chewed slipper.
They Care
You can train your pet to be a Certified Therapy Dog and partner up with your dog and volunteer your services visiting sick patients in the hospital or troubled children in school. Animal-assisted therapy is a type of therapy that involves an animal with specific characteristics becoming a fundamental part of a person's treatment. It is designed to improve the physical, social, emotional and/or cognitive functioning of the patient, as well as providing educational and motivational effectiveness for participants. The experience is incredibly rewarding. People respond favorably after visiting with a dog; a visit with a facelift just isn't the same!

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Playing God with Planet Earth

This documentary reportedly deals with leading geo-engineering pointman David Keith, who has advocated atmospheric manipulation including the aerosol spraying of aluminum and other particles at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)

and AAAS conference

Geoengineer David Keith describes aluminum properties that are preferable to that of sulfur for use as an aerosol.

The documentary trailer

begins with planes spraying aerosol trails. It also refers to using of models of “past natural experiments” in stratospheric aerosols. The doc appears to give damage/spin control advancing the practice on the basis of the phony global warming/climate change rationale…

Imagine a time in the not too distant future when scientists try to mimic the effects of a volcanic explosion in a desperate bid to reverse global warming. Consider a climate emergency so severe that engineers create a sulphuric sunscreen, hoping to stop the melting of polar ice, turn back the rising sea and prevent the horrific storms that would send environmental refugees running for their lives.

“Human ingenuity could temporarily roll back the effects of global warming. At the same time, it could cause catastrophic damage and spark deadly political conflict,” says director Jerry Thompson. “We’ve interviewed some of the world’s leading scientists, engineers, environmentalists, lawyers, and disaster-relief workers about the possible consequences of intentionally manipulating the climate—versus the risk of doing nothing.”

But the one form of “solar radiation management” likely to work fastest in a climate emergency would be to mimic the effects of a huge volcano by spraying clouds of sulphuric acid into the stratosphere. Jet drones or high-altitude balloons could do the job. Quick and cheap compared to breaking our addiction to carbon and retooling the industrial revolution.

Cheap and easy enough that any country feeling threatened by horrific storms or a rapidly rising sea level could decide to go it alone and launch one of these climate rehabilitation campaigns unilaterally. The problem? They might save themselves but cause unintended consequences for others by reducing rainfall, causing drought and mass starvation. Climate change and geoengineering could even lead to war.

Thanksgiving 2010

Savoring Thanksgiving

It describes two kinds of savoring, self-focused savoring and world-focused savoring.
Self-focused savoring includes basking and luxuriating, while world-focused savoring includes marveling and thanksgiving. Both marveling and luxuriating require a person to become absorbed in his or her own experience but basking and thanksgiving ask for a kind of cognitive reflection. And while basking necessitates self-examination and celebrating one’s own pride, thanksgiving involves reflection on what the world has to offer us and why we should celebrate it.

What Media Figures Are Thankful For This Year (PHOTOS)

Arianna Huffington: I’m thankful Wesley Snipes and Charlie Rangel don’t do my taxes, and that I’m not traveling this week, so it will be a no-junk-groped Thanksgiving. I’m thankful for the explosion of creativity and compassion aimed at preventing Third World America that I saw all around the country on my book tour. I’m thankful my daughters are home from college for the holidays. And I’m thankful that my first three months as an empty-nester have allowed for a crazier work schedule, but with more sleep, meditating, and working out integrated into even the craziest days.
Keith Olbermann, MSNBC : 'm grateful for having had my late father for as long as I did, and for him teaching me this year how to depart with grace and humor and love.
Tina Brown, The Daily Beast/Newsweek: I am thankful for another year of health and laughter with the best husband and kids anyone could ever hope for. And at a time when so many don’t have a job at all, I’m thankful for having a great new career opportunity with Newsweek and The Daily Beast that allows me to keep practicing journalism with people at the top of their game.
Eliot Spitzer, CNN: I’m looking forward to the first snowfall of the year when I can go sledding upstate with my family. I’m thankful for these moments that permit us to escape the day to day realities of a news-driven world where too much is negative and foreboding.
Mika Brzezinski, MSNBC: For my husband and two trying but talented teens. For my dad and mom and brothers. And my dog Cajun! They are all incredible blessings.
Chris Matthews, MSNBC: "My beautiful wife and the joy of Michael, Thomas and Caroline - and our new daughter-in-law Sarah."
Bob Schieffer, CBS News: Stayin' alive!!
John King, CNN: I’m most thankful for a son who makes me smile, a daughter who makes me laugh and a wife whose love is empowering and inspiring. I am thankful, too, for the gift of being able to listen and learn covering the big debates of our time. And, yes, count me as always thankful for the joys of the season: crisp air, crowded tables, football of consequence and the best of the holiday brews.
Ann Curry, NBC News: I am thankful for coffee and chocolate without which I could not cope. I am grateful for discovering that when you really feel grateful, it is impossible to feel sad.
Hoda Kotb, NBC News: I am thankful for Hannah, my 3-year-old niece. She changes the room.
Willie Geist, MSNBC: I'm thankful for my 3-year-old daughter's Kim Jong-Il-like bossiness and my 1-year-old son's delightful girth.
Candy Crowley, CNN: I am grateful for my children, politicians who return calls, my mom, politicians who actually answer the question, my friends, press aides who know enough not to ask what the questions are, Lake Michigan, an amazing, talented and (most of the time i think ) happy staff, show guests who arrive on time, men and women who serve and protect, my job, Amtrak, politicians who go off talking points, The Great Barrier Reef, coffee at 430am Sunday, Piha Beach and so much more.
Jane Velez-Mitchell, HLN: am thankful that I've figured out a way to celebrate Thanksgiving without killing. I call my vegan Thanksgiving... Thanksliving!
Lester Holt: I'm thankful for the double blessing of having a job, and one that I love to do. And if you'll allow an advance deposit on a New Years wish, I'll add my hope that we can get more of our friends and neighbors back to work in 2011!
Soledad O'Brien: am thankful I’m still standing! Literally. After taking a fall from a horse this year, and suffering some pretty severe damage to my knee, I've been fortunate to have a successful surgery and physical therapy and I expect to be back on my feet in 2011. I am also thankful that my four young children have the good fortune to live sheltered from the horrors I chronicled in Haiti and Chile and all the many places where tragedy struck and hope survived. I am thankful for my friends -new and old- particularly the folks in New Orleans who five years after Hurricane Katrina, have brought the population (and the great music) back to my favorite city! More than anything, I give my thanks for my great family, my health, my supportive coworkers at CNN and all the opportunities life brings my way. I urge everyone to do -- as I’ll do in 2011 -- and GIVE BACK!
Martin Bashir, MSNBC: 'After six years living here in the US, Thanksgiving has become an important part of our calendar - a moment for us to pause and go through all the blessings that we so readily take for granted. In Europe there is no such equivalent but I've tried to encourage friends and family to pause and give thanks in the way Americans do. For good health; our freedoms and opportunities; and for the chance to see our children grow into adulthood. We give thanks for it all.'
Nancy Gibbs, TIME: I thank God for my brilliant and patient husband, our charming and challenging teenage daughters, and for our wise friends who reassure us that they will not be teenagers forever.
Joel Stein, TIME: I'm thankful that in the midst of this economic crisis, serious newsmagazines will still spend good money on recycled penis jokes. Also, I am glad that the Huffington Post uses the entire right side of their page for photos of nearly naked women. You have mastered the British newsgathering art of the page 3 girl, and I am grateful.
Chris Licht, MSNBC: This is the most significant Thanksgiving I've ever had.. because I am thankful to be alive. Really. My brain hemorrhage experience earlier this year really made me thankful for every day I get to spend with my family, friends and colleagues.
Shannon Bream, Fox News: I wake up grateful every day to have people in my life that I love beyond measure, to have the privilege of doing work I am passionate about, and for mercy and grace that covers my flaws. I am also grateful to live in freedom, thanks to the efforts of Service members like my brother, Eddy, who selflessly defend the rest of us. God bless them and their families.
Brenda Buttner, Fox News: I am thankful anytime I get a smile from one of my children. They have taught me so much and are a reminder that we parents are lucky to have the challenge of raising strong, thoughtful, brave Americans, able to make the right decisions as they grow up in a world that sometimes seems crazy.
Jon Scott, Fox News: I'm grateful to God for a country so great that our servicemen and women will volunteer to protect it, among them my son. To enjoy good health as I see all four of my children grow up to pursue their dreams in a land of unlimited opportunity is a special gift.

7 Things To Be Grateful For At Thanksgiving (PHOTOS)

1. Getting To Explain Yourself
2. Engaging In Misinformed Political/Social Conversation
3. Expressing Strong Opinions About Food
4. Discovering How Terrible Your Cousins Are
5. Wine
6. You Can Abandon Your Manners
7. Black Friday Eve

Post-Thanksgiving Recovery Plan
Did you overindulge yesterday? With this three-day guide to help you detox & regroup from the holiday food coma, you'll be back to normal by Monday.


The best exercise combo for type 2 diabetes

The Funniest Thanksgiving FAILS From HuffPost Readers! (PHOTOS)

How To Recover From Thanksgiving Excess (PHOTOS)

Socrates Exchange: What is gratitude?

Experiencing gratitude and appreciating various things seems essential to happiness and a good life. Why is this? What exactly is gratitude? Is it an emotion that we cannot control or is it a cognitive realization that I should express gratitude? If I do not “feel grateful” when someone gives me a gift I do not care for, should I expressed gratitude anyway? Why do we teach our children to say “thank you” when we feed them or otherwise give them something they deserve? Should I be grateful when a teller returns correct change? I should probably experience gratitude if someone cooks me a nice meal in her home, but what if the meal is prepared in a restaurant and I pay for it? Should paying for something alter our sense of gratitude for it? Do we, like “spoiled children,” appreciate things less than we once did?

What is gratitude, we may first ask if gratitude is something that we are born with. Is it innate? Or is gratitude something we learn from experience?

We learn to say "thank-you" if and when someone does something nice for us, and we should feel grateful and return that gesture with a “thank you”. As we grow, it becomes almost Pavlovian.
Can we even equate ‘thank you’ with gratitude?
Can some people have more gratitude than others?

True Meaning Of Thanksgiving Learned (PHOTO)

I don't understand his drawing, but this kid knows what to be thankful for, and it's cute.