Saturday, October 23, 2010

Consumer Behavior : Buying, Having, and Being

(1) Strange prices at Johnny Rocket's

Have you never been to a restaurant (or a grocery store) and felt you might even be ready to pay a premium for smaller portions/package sizes?

(2) Sunday Shopping Linked With Less Happiness

How do you spend your Sunday?
why would Sunday shopping make women less happy?

(3) Hard-wired for chocolate and hybrid cars?
How genetics affect consumer choice

Do you spend a lot on chocolate?

(4) Why Do People Throw Coins Into Fountains and Make a Wish and Where Did the Superstition Come From?

Are you superstitious with your money?

(5) Does Beauty Sell?

A new study looks at how attractive sales people may turn away sales

As posted in the article: Do you think good looks intimidate potential customers?
What do you think? Would pretty salespeople turn you away from a sale?

(6) Want to Lose Weight? Avoid Skinny Overeaters

If you're looking to lose weight, here's a simple tip: don't dine with the skinny dude who stuffs his face ...
both the size and the consumption habits of our eating companions can influence our food intake.

(7) Want to Save Money? Carry Around $100 Bills

(8) Why is buying a fake handbag more exciting than buying a real one?

(9) Financial Crisis Causing New Trend In Consumer Spending

(10) 'Statins with your burger?'
Doctors want heart pills on menu

Cardiologists propose putting pills beside salt and ketchup to balance heart disease risk
Would you like a pill with that? Fast food outlets should offer statins alongside burgers, say top cardiologists

(11) Why ∏A = gUG + min(k-g, (1-g)(1-r)) equals low airline fares
Research shows that the optimum time to book your airline ticket is eight weeks before travelling

(12) Are you a beauty — or a beast? Ask your iPhone

New ‘Ugly Meter’ rates your looks — but does it really work?

The application costs 99 cents to download. “When your friends won’t tell you the truth, the Ugly Meter will,” the developers promise on their

“It sounded like a serious app. However, the joke is on you if you buy it!” one customer wrote.

(13) Report: Baldness drug works, but may cause sex problems

Some men taking Propecia have erectile dysfunction, although many prefer to have hair, researcher says

Men pick hair over sex?

A study found that men keep taking a baldness drug despite negative sexual side effects.

SnūzNLūz - Wifi Donation Alarm Clock
If you don't wake up on time, you'll pay the price

In a clever April fools joke, the website proposed a solution in the form of an alarm clock that donates money to your most-hated cause should you hit the snooze button.
Imagine giving money to a despised politician every time you slept in.
Might that get you out of bed?

(15) Why Egyptian replicas are as good as the real thing

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