Wednesday, January 19, 2011

China - USA

The Real Economic Lesson China Could Teach Us

In the last 12 years China has built twenty universities, each designed to be the equivalent of MIT.

Obama presses China's Hu on currency, rights

Trade With China?:
25 Facts That Prove That China Is Kicking Our Rear Ends

Do you believe that trade with China is a good thing?
Have you wondered why the U.S. economy cannot produce nearly enough jobs for everyone anymore? Have you wondered why so many thousands of factories have been closing down? Have you wondered why it seems like America is getting poorer?

China Says the End of the Dollar is Near :

-> China's President Lays Groundwork for Obama Talks

-> Hu calls currency system 'product of the past'

Indeed, when US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner gave a speech in which he claimed that the US dollar was strong, Chinese onlookers responded by bursting into laughter.

Tainted Chinese food imports are pouring into the United States with wanton disregard for the health impact or threat to the wider food supply
> Tainted Chinese Imports Common
In Four Months, FDA Refused 298 Shipments

Not just food, but also lead-poisoned children’s toys imported from China are flooding the US marketplace:

Talking heads in the establishment media like CNBC’s Erin Burnett insist that Americans should shut up about these scandals

she suggested that China could help Wal-Mart's prices remain competitively low by continuing to make their toys and food as poisonous as possible!
... and accept the fact that their kids will be eating tainted food and playing with lead-poisoned toys, otherwise China might arbitrarily punish the US by re-valuing its currency and pushing up prices in Wal-Mart.

While Hu Jintao and Obama spew rhetoric about two great empires coming together for the common good, China is busy stealing US military secrets. China’s massive military build-up is based almost entirely on stolen US technology

Read article in Popular Mechanics:

How China Steals U.S. Military Secrets
A spate of recent spying cases opens the lid on China's aggressive military buildup. What's most troubling: It is based largely on U.S. technology.

a recent example being China’s new prototype stealth fighter, which is 10 years ahead of the schedule that US military analysts had predicted.

China J-20 Fighter 'Has Changed Power Balance'

THE shock unveiling of a new Chinese stealth fighter aircraft has changed Asia's power balance and means Australia must dramatically rethink its regional strategy, according to an Australian analyst.

China rhetoric raises threat concerns

China has carrier-killer missile, U.S. admiral says

Chinese missiles can ravage U.S. bases

Computer hackers in Beijing backed by the Chinese government have also stolen highly sensitive information about America’s nuclear weapons research from places like the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico.

Technology and military secrets have also been openly transferred to China by successive US administrations as well as transnational American companies.

If China wishes to be America’s great ally, as Jintao constantly claims, then why are Chinese military generals constantly talking about attacking the United States? Speculating on what the response would be if America defended its ally Taiwan, General Zhu Chenghu said that China would launch its arsenal of nuclear missiles at the United States and destroy hundreds of cities.

China has also recently unveiled an anti-ship missile which is designed to sink an American aircraft carrier.

Admiral Mike Mullen, head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, admits that China’s military weapons are aimed squarely at the United States.

China has been used by the globalists to destroy America’s economic backbone – its manufacturing base. As a result of the expanding trade deficit with China, the US economy lost 2.4 million jobs between 2001 and 2008 :
Unfair China Trade Costs Local Jobs

The United States has lost a shocking 32 per cent of its manufacturing jobs in this time. Over 42,000 factories have been permanently closed in the US since 2001

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