Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Consumer Behavior : Buying, Having, and Being (Part 2)

(16) The conditional Homo cooperativus

Conditionally cooperative or self-regarding?

A postdoc from ETH Zurich has been conducting research to find solutions to cooperation dilemmas. His recent field research in the Bale Mountains of Ethiopia reveals that the degree of voluntary cooperation along with costly monitoring of free riding acts plays a crucial role in the successful management of common property forests.

(17) Tightwads and spendthrifts: A Black Friday tradition

The necessity of buying gifts may overwhelm the influence of purchase pain on spending decisions.

Every year about this time, on Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving that traditionally begins the holiday shopping season, early-morning consumers stand in long lines eager to purchase some sought after prize. From the outside, it looks as if these holiday shoppers can't wait to plunk down their cash, but University of Michigan Marketing Professor Scott Rick says consumers often behave differently than they would ideally like to behave.

(18) The bitter breakup: What happens when consumers dump their brands?

It's just like a bad breakup: People get emotional when they end a relationship with a brand. A new study in the Journal of Consumer Research examines what happens when people turn their backs on the brands they once loved.

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