Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Ralph Nader

Transcript on Democracy Now

The Supreme Court decision in Citizens United in January of this year opened the floodgates to unlimited independent corporate money against or for candidates, the Republicans have set up, like the Democrats, these 501(c)(4)s to receive the money in secrecy.

The big mistake progressives made last year was when they saw the Tea Partiers emerge, they didn’t create a countervailing grassroot effort, which would have gotten them quite a bit of press. If there’s just one pulse, called the Tea Party, among the citizenry, they’re going to get enormous press.

Ralph Nader : "I thought that the progressives should have started a Coffee Party."

Ralph Nader wrote: Doomsday for Democrats?

An article by Stephen Zunes, professor of poitics at University of San Francisco :

My Support for Ralph Nader, Ten Years Later: Lessons Learned

Ralph Nader wrote: When Corporations are the Government

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