Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Savoring Thanksgiving

It describes two kinds of savoring, self-focused savoring and world-focused savoring.
Self-focused savoring includes basking and luxuriating, while world-focused savoring includes marveling and thanksgiving. Both marveling and luxuriating require a person to become absorbed in his or her own experience but basking and thanksgiving ask for a kind of cognitive reflection. And while basking necessitates self-examination and celebrating one’s own pride, thanksgiving involves reflection on what the world has to offer us and why we should celebrate it.

What Media Figures Are Thankful For This Year (PHOTOS)

Arianna Huffington: I’m thankful Wesley Snipes and Charlie Rangel don’t do my taxes, and that I’m not traveling this week, so it will be a no-junk-groped Thanksgiving. I’m thankful for the explosion of creativity and compassion aimed at preventing Third World America that I saw all around the country on my book tour. I’m thankful my daughters are home from college for the holidays. And I’m thankful that my first three months as an empty-nester have allowed for a crazier work schedule, but with more sleep, meditating, and working out integrated into even the craziest days.
Keith Olbermann, MSNBC : 'm grateful for having had my late father for as long as I did, and for him teaching me this year how to depart with grace and humor and love.
Tina Brown, The Daily Beast/Newsweek: I am thankful for another year of health and laughter with the best husband and kids anyone could ever hope for. And at a time when so many don’t have a job at all, I’m thankful for having a great new career opportunity with Newsweek and The Daily Beast that allows me to keep practicing journalism with people at the top of their game.
Eliot Spitzer, CNN: I’m looking forward to the first snowfall of the year when I can go sledding upstate with my family. I’m thankful for these moments that permit us to escape the day to day realities of a news-driven world where too much is negative and foreboding.
Mika Brzezinski, MSNBC: For my husband and two trying but talented teens. For my dad and mom and brothers. And my dog Cajun! They are all incredible blessings.
Chris Matthews, MSNBC: "My beautiful wife and the joy of Michael, Thomas and Caroline - and our new daughter-in-law Sarah."
Bob Schieffer, CBS News: Stayin' alive!!
John King, CNN: I’m most thankful for a son who makes me smile, a daughter who makes me laugh and a wife whose love is empowering and inspiring. I am thankful, too, for the gift of being able to listen and learn covering the big debates of our time. And, yes, count me as always thankful for the joys of the season: crisp air, crowded tables, football of consequence and the best of the holiday brews.
Ann Curry, NBC News: I am thankful for coffee and chocolate without which I could not cope. I am grateful for discovering that when you really feel grateful, it is impossible to feel sad.
Hoda Kotb, NBC News: I am thankful for Hannah, my 3-year-old niece. She changes the room.
Willie Geist, MSNBC: I'm thankful for my 3-year-old daughter's Kim Jong-Il-like bossiness and my 1-year-old son's delightful girth.
Candy Crowley, CNN: I am grateful for my children, politicians who return calls, my mom, politicians who actually answer the question, my friends, press aides who know enough not to ask what the questions are, Lake Michigan, an amazing, talented and (most of the time i think ) happy staff, show guests who arrive on time, men and women who serve and protect, my job, Amtrak, politicians who go off talking points, The Great Barrier Reef, coffee at 430am Sunday, Piha Beach and so much more.
Jane Velez-Mitchell, HLN: am thankful that I've figured out a way to celebrate Thanksgiving without killing. I call my vegan Thanksgiving... Thanksliving!
Lester Holt: I'm thankful for the double blessing of having a job, and one that I love to do. And if you'll allow an advance deposit on a New Years wish, I'll add my hope that we can get more of our friends and neighbors back to work in 2011!
Soledad O'Brien: am thankful I’m still standing! Literally. After taking a fall from a horse this year, and suffering some pretty severe damage to my knee, I've been fortunate to have a successful surgery and physical therapy and I expect to be back on my feet in 2011. I am also thankful that my four young children have the good fortune to live sheltered from the horrors I chronicled in Haiti and Chile and all the many places where tragedy struck and hope survived. I am thankful for my friends -new and old- particularly the folks in New Orleans who five years after Hurricane Katrina, have brought the population (and the great music) back to my favorite city! More than anything, I give my thanks for my great family, my health, my supportive coworkers at CNN and all the opportunities life brings my way. I urge everyone to do -- as I’ll do in 2011 -- and GIVE BACK!
Martin Bashir, MSNBC: 'After six years living here in the US, Thanksgiving has become an important part of our calendar - a moment for us to pause and go through all the blessings that we so readily take for granted. In Europe there is no such equivalent but I've tried to encourage friends and family to pause and give thanks in the way Americans do. For good health; our freedoms and opportunities; and for the chance to see our children grow into adulthood. We give thanks for it all.'
Nancy Gibbs, TIME: I thank God for my brilliant and patient husband, our charming and challenging teenage daughters, and for our wise friends who reassure us that they will not be teenagers forever.
Joel Stein, TIME: I'm thankful that in the midst of this economic crisis, serious newsmagazines will still spend good money on recycled penis jokes. Also, I am glad that the Huffington Post uses the entire right side of their page for photos of nearly naked women. You have mastered the British newsgathering art of the page 3 girl, and I am grateful.
Chris Licht, MSNBC: This is the most significant Thanksgiving I've ever had.. because I am thankful to be alive. Really. My brain hemorrhage experience earlier this year really made me thankful for every day I get to spend with my family, friends and colleagues.
Shannon Bream, Fox News: I wake up grateful every day to have people in my life that I love beyond measure, to have the privilege of doing work I am passionate about, and for mercy and grace that covers my flaws. I am also grateful to live in freedom, thanks to the efforts of Service members like my brother, Eddy, who selflessly defend the rest of us. God bless them and their families.
Brenda Buttner, Fox News: I am thankful anytime I get a smile from one of my children. They have taught me so much and are a reminder that we parents are lucky to have the challenge of raising strong, thoughtful, brave Americans, able to make the right decisions as they grow up in a world that sometimes seems crazy.
Jon Scott, Fox News: I'm grateful to God for a country so great that our servicemen and women will volunteer to protect it, among them my son. To enjoy good health as I see all four of my children grow up to pursue their dreams in a land of unlimited opportunity is a special gift.

7 Things To Be Grateful For At Thanksgiving (PHOTOS)

1. Getting To Explain Yourself
2. Engaging In Misinformed Political/Social Conversation
3. Expressing Strong Opinions About Food
4. Discovering How Terrible Your Cousins Are
5. Wine
6. You Can Abandon Your Manners
7. Black Friday Eve

Post-Thanksgiving Recovery Plan
Did you overindulge yesterday? With this three-day guide to help you detox & regroup from the holiday food coma, you'll be back to normal by Monday.

The best exercise combo for type 2 diabetes

The Funniest Thanksgiving FAILS From HuffPost Readers! (PHOTOS)

How To Recover From Thanksgiving Excess (PHOTOS)

Socrates Exchange: What is gratitude?

Experiencing gratitude and appreciating various things seems essential to happiness and a good life. Why is this? What exactly is gratitude? Is it an emotion that we cannot control or is it a cognitive realization that I should express gratitude? If I do not “feel grateful” when someone gives me a gift I do not care for, should I expressed gratitude anyway? Why do we teach our children to say “thank you” when we feed them or otherwise give them something they deserve? Should I be grateful when a teller returns correct change? I should probably experience gratitude if someone cooks me a nice meal in her home, but what if the meal is prepared in a restaurant and I pay for it? Should paying for something alter our sense of gratitude for it? Do we, like “spoiled children,” appreciate things less than we once did?

What is gratitude, we may first ask if gratitude is something that we are born with. Is it innate? Or is gratitude something we learn from experience?

We learn to say "thank-you" if and when someone does something nice for us, and we should feel grateful and return that gesture with a “thank you”. As we grow, it becomes almost Pavlovian.
Can we even equate ‘thank you’ with gratitude?
Can some people have more gratitude than others?

True Meaning Of Thanksgiving Learned (PHOTO)

I don't understand his drawing, but this kid knows what to be thankful for, and it's cute.

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