Monday, November 29, 2010


U.S. Facing Global Diplomatic Crisis Following Massive WikiLeaks
Release of Secret Diplomatic Cables

250,000 Secret U.S. Diplomatic Cables released by WikiLeaks

WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange Wants To Spill Your Corporate Secrets

In a rare interview, Assange tells Forbes that the release of Pentagon and State Department documents are just the beginning. His next target: big business.

"We Have Not Seen Anything Yet": Guardian Editor Says Most Startling WikiLeaks Cables Still To Be Released

Transcript at

Noam Chomsky: WikiLeaks Cables Reveal "Profound Hatred for Democracy on the Part of Our Political Leadership

Transcript at

WikiLeaks Cables Reveal U.S. Tried to Thwart Spanish Probes of Gitmo Torture and CIA Rendition

Transcript at

Leaked Cables Reveal U.S. Pressured Spain to Drop Case of Cameraman Killed in 2003 Attack on Journalists in Baghdad

Transcript at

On Tuesday, after investors realized that Assange probably has a mark on Bank of America as his next target, shares of the Charlotte, N.C.-based banking behemoth plunged as much as 3.5%, hitting a new 52-week low of $10.91.


Wikileaks: Pakistan privately approved drone strikes

US embassy cables culprit should be executed, says Mike Huckabee

Republican presidential hopeful wants the person responsible for the WikiLeaks cables to face capital punishment for treason

Julian Assange should be assassinated, Canadian official claims

An advisor to the Prime Minister of Canada has called for the "assassination" of the WikiLeaks founder

SHOCKING statement !!!

In a shockingly flippant comment to a Canadian television news anchor Evan Solomon of the CBC News Network on live TV, Tom Flanagan, a senior advisor and strategist to the Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper today called for the assassination of Wikileaks director Julian Assange . It is believed to be the first ever televised "fatwa" since the edict by the Iranian leadership of the late Ayatollah Khomeini against British writer Salman Rushdie in February 1989. Amazingly, although news anchor Solomon afforded Flanagan the opportunity to retract his statement, Flanagan balked at doing so and instead reiterated that U.S. President should put out a "contract" on Assange or use "a drone" and that he would not be unhappy if Assange "disappeared." Flanagan who is a trusted member of PM Harper's inner circle of Tory strategists joins Sarah Palin in calling for the death of the Wikileaks director as retribution for the website's release of confidential diplomatic and intelligence "chatter" this week.

Attack on WikiLeaks site escalates

Whoever wants to bury the leaks is doing a better job — apparently with an assist from


WikiLeaks' Amazon Servers Go Offline (LIVE UPDATES)

Question: What do you think of the impact, timing and outcomes of WikiLeaks recent release?

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